I notice it's been several months since my last post. That's what trying to market a publication does to you. It takes up all of one's time.
While looking on-line for unique lesson plans I could include on my website's section for parents and teachers entitled S.T.E.M. based activities, I stumbled upon an interesting idea that would help teach young students about the importance of pollinators and what they do. Pollination Parade is a lesson from a little booklet published by a place called Shelburne Farms. Before I cited and submitted the idea on my site, I wanted to ask permission from the good people at Shelburne Farms. Never having heard of Shelburne, having no idea where or what it was, I Goggled it. Boy, was I surprised!
See what I mean! Is this beautiful or what? A 1400 acre working farm on the shore of Lake Champlain in Vermont. But there is far more to it than this. Not only is it a farm, it is a living laboratory devoted to teaching young and old alike how to realize and enjoy a sustainable future.
(Lots more pictures you can see on their Flickr site:
By the way, Holly, Communications Director at Shelburne, was kind enough to grant me permission to use the lesson plan. Yay!
I have to tell you, I am in awe of what is being accomplished here. I have decided that a trip to the farm is now at the top tier of my bucket list!
Rather than me trying to describe it all to you, let me provide the website address so you can visit and see why this may be the most amazing place you have never known about. Click on the button below and prepare to be blown away!
While looking on-line for unique lesson plans I could include on my website's section for parents and teachers entitled S.T.E.M. based activities, I stumbled upon an interesting idea that would help teach young students about the importance of pollinators and what they do. Pollination Parade is a lesson from a little booklet published by a place called Shelburne Farms. Before I cited and submitted the idea on my site, I wanted to ask permission from the good people at Shelburne Farms. Never having heard of Shelburne, having no idea where or what it was, I Goggled it. Boy, was I surprised!
See what I mean! Is this beautiful or what? A 1400 acre working farm on the shore of Lake Champlain in Vermont. But there is far more to it than this. Not only is it a farm, it is a living laboratory devoted to teaching young and old alike how to realize and enjoy a sustainable future.
(Lots more pictures you can see on their Flickr site:
By the way, Holly, Communications Director at Shelburne, was kind enough to grant me permission to use the lesson plan. Yay!
I have to tell you, I am in awe of what is being accomplished here. I have decided that a trip to the farm is now at the top tier of my bucket list!
Rather than me trying to describe it all to you, let me provide the website address so you can visit and see why this may be the most amazing place you have never known about. Click on the button below and prepare to be blown away!