About the Books
If you have looked through my website, you probably already know a good deal about the books that make up the trilogy Cockroach of Meadowfield. However, let me give a few specifics about the series.
- A Pilgrimage of Pests and The Great Cicada Ball and Heroes of Meadowfield are available for purchase.
- Each is a fictional chapter book of approximately 200 + pages.
- The books are intended for the middle reader (grades 3 to 6)
- Although unique, I would probably classify the series as adventure/fantasy with strong scientific overtones and a whole lot of humor.
- Yes, bugs are the main characters—but don't let that put you off. As one young lady told me as she and her 3rd grade class read the book, "I didn't like bugs before, but I like them now!"
- This young lady's reaction is just what I had hoped for. As a former science teacher, I want my young readers to appreciate not only bugs, but all of earth's creatures. I mean let's face it—if you can appreciate a cockroach and a silverfish, you can probably appreciate anything!
- Finally a note about the characters. I deliberately chose not to make them totally anthropomorphic (Jiminy Cricket-like). I wanted their personalities to reflect their natural, scientific behaviors. This way, not only will the reader be entertained, but they will also learn how insects live, interact and survive within our world.
A Pilgrimage of Pests: Chapter Questions
The book is divided into three sections. I have provided questions to complement each chapter. These questions make an excellent teaching tool to test reading comprehension and/or provide a springboard for class discussion.
The Brownings: Chapters 1 -7
The Great Cold: Chapters 8 - 18
The Warming Times: Chapters 19 - 26
Additional Learning Projects/Activities to Complement
A Pilgrimage of Pests
A Pilgrimage of Pests
The Moth Catcher:
This activity was always a big hit, even with my Freshman Biology class. It's one of those activities that can be done with almost any level of student.
Click on the button and it will take you to a full explanation of The Moth Catcher.
This activity was always a big hit, even with my Freshman Biology class. It's one of those activities that can be done with almost any level of student.
Click on the button and it will take you to a full explanation of The Moth Catcher.
Art and Science/Metamorphosis with Butterflies:
This activity provides the students with a great visual of the steps of metamorphosis. It combines an art project with science and can be used as a lesson to go along with rearing butterflies in the classroom. Click on the button below to take to the page with a full explanation of the metamorphosis activity
This activity provides the students with a great visual of the steps of metamorphosis. It combines an art project with science and can be used as a lesson to go along with rearing butterflies in the classroom. Click on the button below to take to the page with a full explanation of the metamorphosis activity
Picture Library of Bug-fellows from the Book:
I have provided a series of line drawings that represent ten of the book's bug-fellow characters. These can be downloaded and reproduced for a variety of class activities. Also included in the download is a teacher page identifying each insect by name and references to some of the typical insect parts.
Click on the link below to take you to the activity page for the insect drawings.
I have provided a series of line drawings that represent ten of the book's bug-fellow characters. These can be downloaded and reproduced for a variety of class activities. Also included in the download is a teacher page identifying each insect by name and references to some of the typical insect parts.
Click on the link below to take you to the activity page for the insect drawings.
Math and Map Skills:
Using a grid map of Meadowfield, students give coordinate pair answers, practice cardinal and intermediate directional terms, learn about the compass rose and estimate scale.
Using a grid map of Meadowfield, students give coordinate pair answers, practice cardinal and intermediate directional terms, learn about the compass rose and estimate scale.